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Your Customers Are on Social Media

Search is not the only way to get found. Social media drives 31.24% of all referral traffic. If you are not marketing on social media, you are missing on a huge chunk of customers. You will be a hard-pressed to find a person who does not use social media. A cursory look at statistics will confirm your intuition and show how important social media is. Facebook alone boasts of more than two billion users. Twitter, Snapchat, LinkedIn, and other platforms are humongous, too. Get onto one or more of these platforms to reach out to your customers. The returns will be impressive.

Benefits of Social Media Marketing:


More Credibility

Trust is a bigger factor than price for online shoppers. Recent consumer research indicates that buyers trust the brands they like or follow.


More Sales

People don’t hang out on Facebook or Twitter to buy stuff. But if you are fun on these platforms, you can ultimately encourage more people to buy from you.


Improved Customer Service

Handling customer issues through a method of communication they prefer leads to long-term brand loyalty. Add social media to the list of email and phone support.


Increased Brand Recognition

People buy from the brands they are aware of and you can leverage social media to increase brand awareness among 74% of adults who are online